Frequently Asked Questions
Traditional residence halls are co-ed by wing/floor. Floors are accessed by using your BearCard
No. However, students with special circumstances and/or considerations may request an evaluation of their situation by the director of Housing and Residence Life by e-mailing a written request to Each situation would be processed on a case-by-case evaluation and cannot be guaranteed.
During the self-assign process our office will consolidate rooms in order to maximize options for all students. Although a student has not assigned to a space with a roommate one may be placed in the room through the consolidation process.
Students are allowed to request a room change during certain points of the semester, however these requests are honored depending on available space.
If the room change process is open, Go to the Macon Housing link on your MyMercer homepage. Click on the room change request link. Fill out the form and wait for your request to be approved or denied. You will receive an e-mail either way.
If the process is closed, talk to your RA about any alternative options.
Students may participate in the room change request process during the specified times during the semester to make changes to their rooming assignment.
Students are allowed to remain on-campus for holidays occurring during the semester, however students will have to leave at the conclusion of each semester.
Please e-mail the office if you need special extended stay accommodations.
Bathrooms are cleaned on a daily basis.
There is a three year housing requirement.
Specified locations of The Lofts are considered on campus in terms of the three year requirement.
Contact your financial aid advisor to see if your financial aid package covers the cost of the Lofts. Their payment system is separate from the Housing payment system.
The specific date and time of the upper class self-assign and contract process will be communicated through your university e-mail
We hate to see you go, but we do understand situations arise making it necessary to depart from housing. In order for your student to request a contract cancellation they must log-in to their MyMercer and within the Macon Housing section submit the contract cancellation request form.
Inquiries regarding meal plan membership should be directed to Auxiliary Services at 478.301.2741
You can bring your own furniture, but the furniture provided must stay in the room.
While bed lofts are not permitted in any of our residential facilities, students are permitted to bring bed risers and bunk their beds in all of the residence halls.
Students are permitted overnight guests of the same gender with prior permission from roommate.
Students do not have a curfew for residence halls, however in regards to visitation students are allowed to have visitors of the opposite sex between 10AM and Midnight Sunday through Thursday, and 10AM and 2AM on Friday and Saturday.
Your furniture and belongings can stay in your assigned room at the end of the Fall semester. It is recommended that you take any and all valuable items with you.
Any and all Housing charges will be paid through the Bursar’s office. Charges will appear on your student account online.
Fish are allowed in a maximum of a 10 gal. tank. No other pets are allowed.
If you have questions regarding service animals, please contact Access and Accommodations.
There are bike racks located throughout campus and around the residential areas. Students will need to provide their own bike lock to secure them.
Students may park in lots that correspond to their issued decal. A complete Parking map can be found on the Mercer Police website: Parking Map
RA's are usually the first Residence Life staff member that residents meet. RA's are students who have been selected and specifically trained to assist residents within the residential community. RA's are a vital link between their peers and the Office of Residence Life, as well as other departments around campus.
An RA’s responsibilities include helping to develop a sense of community through social events, educational opportunities, and other activities; informing residents about events happening on campus; enforcing University and Residence Life policies; acting as peer counselors and assisting professional staff in crisis situations. The RA's are available to assist residents with personal and academic concerns, roommate conflicts, and maintenance issues.
Resident Directors (RD's) are full-time graduate students who live on campus. RD's are responsible for the direct supervision of the Resident Assistants and the administration and educational functions of their specific areas.
Area Coordinators (AC) are full-time professional staff members who live on campus. AC's are responsible for the supervision of the Residence Life staff members and the administration and educational functions of the Residence Life program.
If it is between the hours of 8:30am-5:00pm, go to the Residence Life office for a loaner key. If it is after office hours, call the RA on duty. That number will be in the hallway of your residence hall. The first lock out is free. After that the price increases with each subsequent lock out (2nd - $20, 3rd - $30, etc.).
Go to the office of Residence Life to get a new key. Be sure that it is actually lost. Each lock change is $75.
Create an IT Service Request or contact IT at 478.301.7000
Call the Office of Residence Life at 478.301.2687
Go to the Macon Housing link on your MyMercer homepage. At the center of the page will be a maintenance request link. Be thorough about the problem and location.
If I put in a maintenance request and after some time it still is not complete, who do I call?
Call the Office of Residence Life at (478) 301-2687.
Unless, the item needing to be cleaned became dirty from a maintenance issue, you will have to clean it yourself.
During the hours of 8:30am-5:00pm, call Residence Life at 478.301.2687
After office hours, call Mercer Police. 478.301.2911
Special Housing Needs: If you require special housing needs, please email the Office of Housing & Residece Life for assistance. This does not include Access and Accommodation requests. Those requests should be filed directly with the Access and Accommodations Office.