Resources for Residents

Policies - Complete Community Standards Guide

Below are some commonly researched policies summarized for your convenience. More details on these policies and others can be found in the Community Standards link above.

All students who reside on campus are required to sign a housing contract which binds them to the terms and conditions listed on their MyMercer Housing Page. 


Students are only allowed to have two guests per person. Guests are expected to abide by the same rules and regulations as the residents. If a violation occurs, the host of the guest will be held accountable and the guests may be asked to immediately leave the facility and/or campus. Residents may have members of the opposite sex visit them in their housing facility during visitation hours, which are as follows:

Sunday—Thursday: 10:00am — 12:00am/midnight

Friday & Saturday: 10:00am — 2:00am

Guests are to be met at the door of the residence hall by the resident they are visiting. Guests are to be escorted at all times (including to the appropriate bathroom), so that they are clearly identifiable as that particular resident's guest. Guests may not be left alone in a student room and/or common area.

If you are looking to post printed notices/publicity materials in all residential facilities, please follow the guidelines below:
  • Please bring publicity to the Residence Life office to be approved and stamped at least 72 business hours in advance of the event/activity.
  • Campaign posters and/or materials are not allowed to be posted in the Residence Halls, Apartments and/or Greek Houses. Students can ask individual students if they would like to place their campaign materials on their individual door and all students who live in the room must agree with it being posted on their individual door.
  • Office of Residence Life may not approve all requests to avoid flyer overload.
  • Events posted must be open to all students. (Publicity materials targeted at specific people for events/ not open to all students generally will not be posted)
  • All materials must clearly state: the sponsoring organization(s) or individual(s), date, time and location of the event/activity, and contact information in case there are questions. Please triple check materials for spelling and grammar mistakes.
  • All materials must have “To request alternative formats or accessible seating due to a disability, please contact Access and Accommodation Office at 301-2778 at least 7 days prior to the event date.”
  • No items may be placed on any doors, door frames, window glass, trees, sidewalks, railings, posts, columns or other painted surfaces of any residential facility without written permission from the Director of Housing and Residence Life or his/her designee.
  • Publicity materials on tables, counters, benches, door hangings, campaign signs, and under-door solicitation are prohibited.
  • Distributing public notices/publicity materials on vehicles in parking lots or around the residential facilities is prohibited.
  • Public notices/publicity materials must be respectful to all members of the Mercer community. A balance of free speech and community standards will be enforced; materials may not include inappropriate language or reference/promote alcoholic beverages or drinking.
  • Postings related to or promoting policy violations will be immediately taken down.
  • The Housing and Residence Life may determine the appropriate time, place, and manner in which a sign may be posted and may prohibit postings if guidelines are not followed.
  • Postings or any other promotional material not following these guidelines will be removed immediately.

All approved materials will be posted by a Housing & Residence Life staff member within 48 hours of approval in designated posting areas. It is the responsibility of the Housing & Residence Life staff member to remove outdated or inappropriate materials posted in each of the residential facilities. Dated material will be removed within 48 hours of the specified event time. Undated material may remain up for a period of two weeks. Postings cannot cover more than 20% of the wall space and must be at least 1 inch from the ceiling. Masking tape, scotch tape, staples (on Bulletin Boards only), and push pins will be used for postings (duct tape is strictly prohibited). 

Chalking can only be done in areas exposed to rainwater so that eventually the chalking will be washed away. Chalking is not allowed on buildings or steps; under overhangs or covered walkways.
For postings outside of Mercer University’s residential facilities, please seek approval from the Campus Life Office.
***For the purposes of this policy, the terms "sign(s)", “public notices”, and "publicity materials" shall include, but are not limited to, billboards, notices, table tents, flyers, placards, handbills and hand-held signs. "Posting" shall refer to any means used to display one or more signs.

The only pets permitted in the residential facilities are non-dangerous fish in a tank smaller than 10 gallons.

Residents found in violation of this policy will be charged a fee of $250 immediately and then $100 per day if the unapproved animal is still present after the initial charge.  The resident will be responsible for all costs incurred in the removal of the animal and/or any costs association with the possession of the animal (i.e. damaged furniture, cleaning fees, pest control, etc.).  Immediate removal of the pet to an off-campus location is required. Animal Control officials will be contacted if the animal is not removed immediately.  Violations of the pet policy may also result in an immediate room change or removal/eviction from University Housing.

Service Animals and Emotional Support Animals are only permitted after approval from the Office of Access and Accommodations. To find out more please visit the Access and Accommodations website.

  • Service Animals and Emotional Support Animals living in the residence hall prior to approval are still subject to conduct charges. Damage and cleaning needs will be assessed by a Residence Life Staff Member during Safety and Cleaning Inspections as well as after the resident checks out. Any costs for damage and cleaning associated with the animal will be charged to the resident’s student account.

To learn more about our pet policy, please read the Community Standards.

Wireless routers are prohibited. If a wireless router is found, then a fee will be assessed to the student’s account.

Internet Access- Students can use MU-BYOD in the residence halls, apartments, and Greek Houses: Used for any device which cannot connect to MU-Secure. 

Devices must be registered to connect to this network via the following website: MU-BYOD allows 4 devices to be registered, and they will need to be re-registered every 90 days.

Wireless printers will not work on any wireless network. Although printers could be registered to connect to MU-BYOD, network security prevents devices from communicating with each other. Printers must be connected to a computer with a USB cable.

Housing and Residence Life will approve students who need to arrive early for a university based need (ex. Athletics, Orientation, admissions, etc.).

An advisor/coach will need to submit a list to no later than two weeks before the requested move in date.

Approved students will not be able to move into their room during the weekends prior to the scheduled move in dates. Housing and Residence Life will inform approved students which day and time they are approved to move in early.

If a student is requesting to move in early, they can submit an e-mail to

Moving in early without a university based need may approved with a fee assessed per day up until the start of their housing contract.

If an unapproved student moves into a room without prior approval from Housing and Residence Life, then they will be charged an improper check-in fee of $50 and may have to move out of their space immediately until the scheduled move in date.

Alcohol/Drug Related Items
Candles/other open flames
Charcoal & Gas Grills
Cinder Blocks
Electric Heaters
Electric or Lofting Bedrisers
Extension Cords
Fire Pits
Fire Works
Fog Machines
George Foreman Grills (permitted in Apartment & Greek House kitchens)
Halogen Lights
Illegal Drugs
Lava Lamps
Pets (except fish)
Pressure Cooker
Street Signs
Toaster Ovens
Wall Mounts
Wireless Routers
Mercer University policy stipulates that individuals not registered in courses are ineligible to reside on campus or use the University’s facilities or services. Students who are not registered for any classes will be actively evicted from housing.
However, Mercer recognizes the need to offer a grace period to non-enrolled students who are actively seeking to address and correct reasonable financial or registration issues during the official add/drop period.

Therefore, the following policy will apply:

1. The Office of the Bursar will notify the Office of Residence Life one day after add/drop of any non-enrolled student who has accrued charges for room and board but are not registered for courses during that term.

2. Residence Life will then contact each of these students and notify them (in person or by e-mail notification) that they have 48 hours to correct their registration and/or financial obligations.

3. If the situation is not resolved at the end of the specified 48 hour period, the individual will be required to immediately vacate their housing premises. Verification of resolution must be in writing from the office in question, or by direct phone call from that office, to the Office of Residence Life.


Below are a selection of housing procedures that take place over the academic year. All on-campus residents will be reminded of these procedures through your RA as well as e-mails sent to your Mercer e-mail address.

Step 1. Complete the online check-in form located in MyMercer > Macon Housing > Check-In Information > Complete Online Check-In Form. This can be completed from a phone or laptop as soon as you receive the Check-In e-mail from Housing.


Step 2. Visit the Housing & Residence Life Office during business hours to pick up your new keys and receive access to your Residence Hall.


Step 3. Complete the Room Condition Report (RCR) for your new space. MyMercer > Macon Housing > Check-In Information > Room Condition Report

Housing & Residence Life offers a room change request period one week a semester.

During this time, students may go onto MyMercer > Macon Housing > Assignment Information > Change Bedspace. From there, all vacant bed spaces available to you will be visible, as well as the room preferences of the current residents. After a bed space is selected and the online process is finalized, you will receive an e-mail from Housing with information about checking-out of your current space and checking-in to your new space.


If you are considering moving rooms during any other time of the semester, please talk to your RA or RD about your situation.


Students who have a vacant bed in their room/suite are subject to receiving a roommate/suitemate at any time.

All on-campus residents will be required to be out 24 hours after their last final, meaning every student should be packed up and out of their space before then.

If you need to stay on campus due to special circumstances, please e-mail

Please remember:

  • Unplug all items
  • Unplug & defrost your refrigerator - Click here to learn how!
  • Remove all perishable foods from the room - Bring them home or donate!
  • Pack all important items (electronics, passport/IDs, medications, etc.) as you will not have access to the Halls from December 17, 2023 to January 5, 2024 (tentatively)
  • Close & lock your windows
  • Clean your room - You'll appreciate this when you return
  • Empty all trash and take it to the dumpster
  • Set thermostat to 65-68 and keep the fan ON (if applicable)
  • Turn off all lights
  • Lock all doors
  • Initial & sign the "December Closing Procedures" sheet that will be emailed to you. 
If you are assigned to move into a different space upon returning from break, please be sure to remove all your belongings before you head home and complete a checkout form/turn in your key!
Self-assign is for students who plan to live on campus for the next up-coming academic year and this process is how you will be choosing your own bedspace and roommate(s)!
Self-assign takes place in February/March for current students, and for first-year students the process starts in early June. You will be receiving emails and information about this process well before it begins.
To participate in any housing assignment, you must first fill out your Housing Contract which can be found on MyMercer. The assigned time and date to choose your housing assignment are based on the date your housing contract was completed. The sooner you complete your housing contract, the more housing options will be available to you.


Remember that when choosing roommates, you will need each others Roommate PIN number to assign you both to the same room. 

Do not give out your PIN unless you are giving permission to another student to select your housing assignment.

Click Here for a Self Assign Tutorial!

Check-outs take place whenever there is a permanent move out of a particular room. All students will go through the check-out process at the end of the academic year, whether its checking out to move home for the summer or switching to our summer housing options.


To complete a proper check-out, you have options:
  1. Complete a Check-Out with your RA- Alerting your RA in advanced, checking-out will involve your RA meeting you at your room and going through the room condition form with you. While your RA goes through the Room Condition Report, they may ask you questions about the quality of the space, i.e. stains on the carpet, holes in the wall, and other possible damages. When you accompany the RA in this process, you can lend explanations for such imperfections and the ability to appeal any charges that you may receive. After the inspection, you will fill out a small green form, place the keys to the room in the envelope, & that completes the process!
  2. Complete an Express Check-Out Form- Express check-out forms can be found outside the Housing and Residence Life office, closest to Conference Room 3 in the CSC. Once you have fully moved out of your space, you will fill out the small yellow express check-out form, place the key in the back envelope, and deposit the form into the gray mailbox located on the wall. Although the express process is more convenient, you are waiving your rights to appeal any damage charges that may be applied to your account.

Extended Stay housing is only available during two time periods: between spring and summer semesters, and between fall and spring semesters.

Students must sign up for and pay for the entire interim period in order to receive interim housing.

All standard rules and regulations are in effect during this period. Any resident found violating standard rules and regulations during an interim, extended stay and/or early arrival period will be removed from housing during the interim period.

Emergency Information

Fire Drills, Drug Sweeps, Room Inspections

Campus Housing takes wellness, facilities, and safety very seriously and expects all students and professional staff to do the same. Fire drills are conducted each semester. Room inspections are conducted on a monthly basis in order to ensure that residents and professional staff within our halls are living in a safe, conducive, and wholesome environment that promotes positive academic and personal growth.


Fire and Safety Tips

Mercer Police offers escorts for any member of the university community from the hours of dusk to dawn any day of the year. Mercer Police are able to escort anyone on campus. This service is provided free of charge and may be obtained by calling 478-301-4357. Be prepared to state your name and location and an officer will be dispatched to meet you. When walking on campus during evening and overnight hours, you are encouraged to walk with another person and use well-lighted and well-traveled routes.

Residents are urged to check with their parents’ Homeowners Insurance to see if their belongings are covered or to purchase Renter’s Insurance. 

Mercer University will not be liable for injury to persons, loss of or damage to personal property, or failure of utilities or mechanical equipment in its buildings or on its grounds. This includes, but is not limited to, loss or damage from theft, accidents, natural disasters, power surges, or by the making of any repairs, alterations, additions or improvements to the premises or any portion of the building in which the residents are located.

If a student is in need of renters insurance, we recommend Student Property Insurance from National Student Services Inc.

Maintaining a Clean & Safe Residence Hall

Check out the boxes below to learn more about the maintenance of our residence halls and tips on how to keep your space clean.

Maintenance and cleaning work orders can be submitted in one of the following ways:

  1. E-mail Housing and Residence Life at
  2. Access the online maintenance request form via MyMercer/Macon Housing 
  3. Call Housing and Residence Life at (478) 301-2687 – during business hours or leave a voicemail message for non-emergencies after business hours
  4. Inform your RA or the RA on Duty (number posted in building/area).
  5. Go the Office of Housing and Residence Life during business hours and file your request in person.
If you have an emergency and it is after 5:00pm, a holiday or a weekend, please call the RA on duty for your area or call Mercer Police at 478-301-4357
Please be specific on your request so we can most efficiently handle your request.
Reporting maintenance concerns is the resident’s responsibility and failure to do so in a timely manner may result in further damages and therefore, charges for the repair may be placed on the resident’s account.
*Note: Custodial staff is only responsible for cleaning the common areas of the residence halls. This includes; common bathrooms, lounges, hallways, etc. All bathrooms that are suite style or only available through an assigned room, are the residents responsibility to clean and stock throughout the academic year.

Instructions for safe and proper use of a garbage disposal in your apartment:

  • Food to be disposed of should be placed in the disposal while the disposal is OFF
  • Turn ON the cold water
  • Turn ON the garbage disposal (switch located on the wall beside the sink)
  • Listen while the food clears the disposal – you can hear when it is clear
  • Turn OFF the disposal
  • Continue to run the water 15 to 30 seconds more to flush the pipe
  • Turn the water OFF
Improper use of garbage disposals can be dangerous. Keep your hands far from moving part. Always run water while using the disposal.

Residents shall dispose of all trash in the dumpsters located throughout the parking areas. Failure to do so may result in a charge.

Large item pick-up: Items too large for the dumpsters (i.e. sofas, chairs, mattresses, etc.) will be hauled away at no charge if you leave them beside the dumpster.
Hazardous materials: Items such as motor oil, gasoline, or batteries may not be discarded in the dumpsters. To dispose of hazardous material you must take them to your local dump station or to the Willet Science Building on campus.
Syringe Disposal: Students should not place exposed hypodermic needles directly into trash containers. Disposable, puncture-proof containers are available at the Student Health Center, and should be used for disposing of hypodermic needles.
Disposing of trash bags in common areas such as bathrooms, laundry rooms, lounges is prohibited and will result in a fine.

Defrosting fridges should starts at least 24hrs before you leave at the end of each semester.

Step 1: Remove all items from the fridge

Do not leave any food that could expire in your fridge or room over vacations/breaks.

Step 2: Unplug fridge

Step 3: Put towels under & inside of the fridge.

As the appliance defrosts, there will be a substantial amount of water created. Some students recommend placing your mini fridge in the shower to allow the water to drain that way.

Step 4: Prop fridge door open

Propping the door will ensure that water is not pooling and will prevent the growth of mold/mildew

Step 5: Leave it overnight

A full 24 hours is highly recommended.

Step 6: Remove wet towels & wipe down inside

Be sure to wipe the inside of the fridge for moisture and cleanliness purposes.

Also remember to take care of the wet towels as soon as possible to prevent musty odors.

Step 7: Keep the fridge door propped open even after it is fully defrosts.

Moist and dark areas are ideal conditions for microbial growth.

Maintaining a satisfactory and healthy indoor environment and good indoor air quality in our highly variable Georgia climate requires a joint effort by the residence life staff and residents. 
No heating or air conditioning system can fully eliminate all pollen, dust, and allergens; therefore, certain maintenance and housekeeping practices must be utilized to reduce humid conditions and prevent microbial growth, such as mold and mildew within university buildings. 

As a resident, your responsibility is to follow the 3 C's:

Cleaning - Take care of items such as wet towels/clothing, oils/residue in leftover food containers, & spilled drinks immediately as these can be a medium for microbial growth.

Climate - Prevent humid or moist conditions by keeping your windows closed when AC is running, hang all damp fabrics, keep bathroom exhaust fans running during and after showers, and do not block the HVAC units.

Communication - Alert housing of any leaks or water intrusion immediately. It only takes 24- 48 hours for mold or mildew growth.


Please take the time to read through the entire Indoor Air Quality and Healthy Living Conditions document to ensure you are doing all that you can to maintain a healthy home. Indoor Air Quality and Promoting Healthy Living Conditions in Residence Halls

There are different types of Fan Coil/Unit Ventilator systems, two-pipe & four-pipe, manual thermostatewhich refer to the distribution system serving the climate control equipment in a building.

  • The Residence Hall building on the two-pipe system is Plunkett Hall.
    • Two-pipe systems are less flexible, meaning the entire building is in either heating mode or cooling mode. A/C only during the summer/ Heat only during the winter. During cold months only heat is provided from the boiler. A/C only during the summer/hot weather, Cool Air is provided from the Chiller.
    • The changeover from heating to cooling is made manually. The manual switchover requires a couple of days, so there is always the possibility that unusual weather patterns might cause some occupant discomfort.
  • The Residence Hall Buildings on the four-pipe system include MEP(Boone, Dowell, Porter), Sherwood Hall, Shorter Hall. 
    • The four-pipe system includes a distribution system that contains both hot water supply with return lines and a chilled water supply with return lines. 
    • This means that if the outside temperature is below 60 degrees, then they sysptem will produce heat in the building. If it is above 60 degrees, then the system will provide air conditioning.

  • The Residence Hall Buildings that operate like a typical house are Legacy Hall, Mercer Hall, Roberts Hall, Garden Apartments, Adams/Winship Apartments, Orange Street Apartments, and Greek Houses.
    • You will be able to switch your thermostat from cool to heat manually in your room. This means that these spaces give more control of the temperature in the room to the residents.
  • So as you can see, when it comes to heating and cooling a space with a two-pipe or four-pipe system, especially in our fluctuating Georgia weather, it is a guessing game.

For more information, please read our full document regarding the Heating and Cooling Systems on campus. Heating and Air Systems (HVAC)

Packing List for Residential Students

Housing Check-List

Forms & More

Please log on to your MyMercer and click on Macon Housing to find resources such as:

The housing contract, room selection, room assignment information, roommate pin, online check-in, room condition report, early arrive request forms, extended stay request forms, housing contract cancellation form, local exemption request, room change request, housing charges appeal form, maintenance request form, summer housing information, student employment, and more!